Broccoli: Broccoli which has tons of antioxidants and rich fiber is packed with so much nutrients and helpful in fighting against cancer causing cells. Any kind of broccoli soup or a stir fry, lessens your craving for food.
Barley: Barley is another super food which keeps you full. It is the food with highest fiber content of all the whole grains and is good for old age people as it helps to lower the blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol. A salad or soup or barley porridge can do wonders.
Avocado: Avocado is another perfect fill you up food. The fruit is rich in heart healthy monosaturated fat and fiber. It is said that, Foods which are high in fiber and rich in fat, take longer time to digest and suppresses your hunger. But limit your intake to 1/2 of this fruit, as it is high in calories.
Yoghurt: Yoghurt is rich in calcium, low in sugar and protein packed. These protein rich food keeps you full for a long time.
Soups: Vegetable broth or chicken broth soup has high water content with loads of veggies can help you suppress your hungerness. But be sure to take the clear soups and avoid the creamy ones. (Though creamy ones makes your stomach more full, they are very high in calories).
I honestly didn’t know that some of these foods are included in this list. Thanks for posting!